
Hi All! Wow, it has been a crazy last couple weeks and so I have had absolutely no time to update everyone on what's going on, so here it goes.
#1- I move on Sunday which is 4 days away. Oh my goodness, FOUR DAYS! I can't possibly begin to tell you how exciting this is for me. I have butterflies! haha
#2- Tomorrow is my last day at Lowe's, which makes me a little sad, because there are some awesome people I've met there that I will miss, but ya know, nothing beats Disneyland ;).
#3- I should probably be packing right now. I have most, well some of my things packed already and I am currently blogging instead of packing. There's a word for that..PROCRASTINATION. Packing is super boring and honestly I have moved so much that I hate packing so much. UGH it's kind of a drag. haha :) 
#4 (Which is the best number, by the way): I am just gonna tell everyone some of the awesomely cute things that I will be bringing with me to my internship. 
  • Cute Disney Princess Boxes-My work had this super cute Disney Princess Rubbermaid Tote for chep that I HAD to get, and the lid is pink and glittery!! AH! I also got a cute box for my movies which I love, and a Princess Tiana box for my jewelry!
  • I bought a CUTE new suitcase which is kind of beatles-esque and I love it so much! Oh my word it is cute!! 
  • My Aunt Jen got me some really cute Ikea magnet things that are in really cute colors that I love! 
  • My mother is buying me these cute coasters that she got at Disneyland in March that we use everyday, and they are so so so so so cute!
  • I have some cute business casual clothes too :)
So...I will see if I end up with time to do any updating in the next 4 days if there is anything left to say. 
If you want to email me while I'm gone and be "pen pals" my email address is:

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