
Yes, I am in fact still alive.

Hello family and friends! I know it has been a long time since I have updated this and I do apologize. I've been so busy I just haven't had the time. So let me just recap and just give you an overview of what I've been up to. 
Since my last post I have: 

A- Gone to Knott's Berry Farm for Knott's Scary Farm. I'm not really that big of a fan of things following you around or popping out at you every 5 seconds and for that, it wasn't my favorite thing I've done here so far, but it wasn't horrible either! 

B- Worked...alot. It seems like that's all I do. But that's ok!!

C- Gone to a TV show taping for the show "Rules of Engagement" starring David Spade and Patrick Wharburton on my roomies 21st bday! It was FAB! 

D- Decided on what I'm going to major in....drumroll please....Environmental Science. That's very vague for now, but I know what I want to do with it and that's a start. To begin that process will, in fact, be causing me to move up to the Pacific Northwest, for the schooling I will be needing. Now, it is in fact very convenient that my favorite twin brother happens to live there, which I'm pretty happy about. I will be needing to start applying for residency right away which means, in January I will be on my merry way up there. After I'm there I plan on working full time and taking my online classes for the Spring semester, until I am in fact a resident of the state of Washington. I cannot begin to tell you how excited and relieved I am to have this part of my life sort of figured out so I can get a move on with it. I love the Disney company and have enjoyed my experience here, but until I have graduated from college I am not planning on staying here.

It is beginning to show signs of the holiday season here at the Disneyland Resort and I cannot tell you how excited I am for that. I LOVE CHRISTMASTIME! There is Christmas merch here already, and I just can't wait until I can start listening to Christmas music without it being "too early" or "weird". hahaha. As soon as that tree is up at Disneyland the Christmas tunes come out though! I miss Cache Valley especially right now as it is beginning to snow, and I miss my friends and family, but I am so excited and looking forward to the future. I love you all and I hope to hear from you all too! It gets lonely here not hearing from anybody back home;)! 

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I'd love to hear from everyone! :)


BTW- I am OBSESSED with this song! haha

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for a new blog post! I am jealous you got to see Patrick Wharburton, he is one of my faves. Congrats on figuring out what you want to do, you and Cheyne will have so much fun in WA!! I need to write you a note and send it snail mail, I love real mail! xox
